
You have heard of supercomputers being launched. You know they are faster than the fastest.

But which one is the fastest of them all? IBM’s Blue Gene
Where is it? The fastest supercomputer is installed at DOE’s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore

According to the 25th edition of the TOP500 list of the world’s fastest supercomputers at the 20th International Supercomputing Conference (ISC2005) in Heidelberg Germany, the BlueGene/L System claimed the No. 1 slot.

The system was doubled in size during the last six months and reached a new record Linpack benchmark performance of 136.8 TFlop/s (“teraflops” or trillions of calculations per second). This system, once completed, will again be doubled in size and is expected to remain the #1 Supercomputer in the world for the next few editions of the TOP500 list.

Source: indiatimes


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