
I love the template which I am using currently. Actually this has lot of added features. you can write a comment on it and you can even email a particular post or topic which is of interest.I was reluctant at the start to use this as I thought it to be so plain and it didn't seem to create any interest for the viewer(to me really). But when I started exploring it thoroughly I was really amazed I should say..

But there is one problem, which I do not know to solve as am little weak in Java Script.. Hope by now you would have found what I didn't know. Yes you have guessed right, I am at loss as to how to change the size of the font. My friends say that it would be better if the fonts were bit larger so as to read the posts easily.

If any of you know how to change the font do tell me how to do it by adding it in the comment or on the discuss link. It would be a great help..

Now at work, the work has started really to bug me up with all those new rules and regulations, I am not sweating guys.. though I would say I feel as though I lost my freedom. But no hard feelings, I'm kind of workaholic, I actually love to be busy rather sitting idle 'coz I feel challenged when I am busy and I love that feeling.

One more thing. I am thinking of upgrading my old sony wega 14" to 21" sony, which I think will be doing some time this week, if everything goes well It'll be within next 2 days. Hoping to watch bigger picture soon.


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